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Chartered Accountant

Career Options After Graduation


Chartered Accountant

If a career in management does not attracts you much then you can look forward to a career in Chartered accountant or the CFA. Every company big or small needs their account to be maintained and that is the place where you can fit in. If you love to play with numbers and you are number crunching wizard then this is certainly your cup of tea. This is not new career option but still many students are not much aware about the prospects and potentials of this field. You can find a job in private sector but government sector is the one who has monopoly this field and anyone who wants to make a career in this field will definitely get a good salary package and bucket full of perks. If you have good knowledge of your field you can earn a handsome salary as a fresher between Rs. 350,000 to Rs. 450,000 per annum.


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