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Harry Potter and the Philosopher s Stone 107 million

Best Selling Books In History


Harry Potter and the Philosopher s Stone 107 million

Though the other Harry Potter books all made the list, they have been omitted to keep the list from being monotonous. At positions 11 and 1418, they sold between 5065 million copies each. The first book in this sevenpart fantasy series, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone Sorcerers Stone in the U.S. was J.K. Rowlings first published novel. Twelve publishing houses turned the book down before one finally accepted it. Rowlings writing in this first book has been compared to Ancient Greek poet Homer, childrens author Roald Dahl, and romance writer Jane Austen. As a series, Harry Potter is the bestselling book series in history.


She A History of Adventure 100 million
Lolita 50 million
Ben Hur A Tale of the Christ 50 million
Think and Grow Rich 70 million
Watership Down 50 million
Charlotte s Web 50 million
The Ginger Man 50 million
The Little Prince 140 million
The Mark of Zorro 50 million
A Tale of Two Cities 200 million
Anne of Green Gables 50 million
And Then There Were None 100 million
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