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Help with nausea and indigestion

Benefits of Star Apple


Help with nausea and indigestion

The fruit is also said to help with nausea and indigestion and also known to cure hangovers and prickly heat. The fruit is give to nursing mothers as it is believed to stimulate milk flow. Sour type fruits are favored in cooking as they give unique tart flavor to poultry, meat, and seafood dishes. Cut sections of fresh fruit added in stews, curries, and stirfries with chicken, and fish and shrimp. The fruit can be used to make sauce, pickle, chutney, tarts, and jam.


Cure in ringworm and chicken pox
Source of beta carotenes
Fruits of star apple
Inoculate Cancer
Cure hangovers and prickly heat
Way to serve this fruit
100 Persent premium starfruit juice
Reverse Aging
Preventing constipation
Small amount of minerals and electrolytes
Regulate blood pressure levels
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