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Origin and Production

Benefits of Persimmon


Origin and Production

Persimmons are native to three areas, China, Japan and the United States, depending on the species. The Chinese variety spread all over Asia, from where it was introduced to the rest of the world. At the moment, almost the whole of the production of persimmons takes place in Asia, mainly in China, Korea and Japan. The Chinese variety arrived at Japan in the VIIIth century, where it became a highly appreciated fruit. From there it spread to the rest of the world, arriving at the United States in 1870. In Europe, the American kakis were the first to be introduced.


Natural anti haemorrhoid
Side Effect of Persimmon Fruit
Source of Iron and Calcium
For a healthy digestive system
Postharvest Problems
Coughing up phlegm and asthma
From a nutritional point
Protect Eye and Nourish Eye
Skin allergies
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