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Prevents signs of ageing

Benefits of Peas


Prevents signs of ageing

The antioxidants present in peas helps reduce free radical damage. Just like metal rusts after exposure to air, our bodies too suffer from free radical damage. Eating peas slows down this process, and helps prevent signs of ageing. Even though green peas are an extremely lowfat food (with approximately onethird gram of total fat per cup) the type of fat and fatsoluble nutrients they contain is impressive. Recent research has shown that green peas are a reliable source of omega3 fats in the form of alphalinolenic acid (ALA). In one cup of green peas, you can expect to find about 30 milligrams of ALA. About 130 milligrams of the essential omega6 fatty acid, linoleic acid, can also be found in a cup of green peas.


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