benefits of mustard seeds

1. Mustard seeds are a very popular ingredient in the American cuisine. These seeds are used for taste generally in hot dogs, where mustard sauce is very much preferred. It also has medicinal applications dating back to the time of Hippocrates. It is available in white, brown and black varieties and is used by people all over the world. Greeks, Romans, Asians and Africans have all explored the taste of mustard seeds and have integrated them into the .....
Nutritional Profile
2. Mustard seeds are an excellent source of selenium and a very good source of omega-3 fatty acids and manganese. They are also a good source of phosphorus, magnesium, copper, and vitamin B1. .....
In Depth Nutritional Profile
3. In addition to the nutrients highlighted in our ratings chart, an in-depth nutritional profile for Mustard seeds is also available. This profile includes information on a full array of nutrients, including carbohydrates, sugar, soluble and insoluble fiber, sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and more. .....
Tips for Preparing and Cooking
4. Mustard seeds or mustard powder can be used as a condiment in a variety of dishes. Mustard seeds can be used as is or can be roasted in a skillet.You can easily make your own mustard condiment by first macerating the seeds in wine, vinegar or water. Grind them into a smooth paste, adding herbs and spices such as tarragon, turmeric, garlic, pepper, paprika or any others that you prefer to give your homemade mustard its own unique taste. .....
Select and Store
5. Mustard powder and mustard seeds should be kept in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dark and dry place. Prepared mustard and mustard oil should both be refrigerated.Even through dried herbs and spices are widely available in supermarkets, explore the local spice stores in your area. Oftentimes, these stores feature an expansive selection of dried herbs and spices that are of superior quality and freshness compared to those offered in regular .....
6. Mustard seeds can be traced to different areas of Europe and Asia with the white variety originating in the eastern Mediterranean regions, the brown from the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains, and the black from the Middle East. Mustard seeds are mentioned in ancient Sanskrit writings dating back about 5,000 years ago. They are also mentioned in the New Testament in which the kingdom of Heaven is compared to a grain of mustard seed. .....
7. Mustard seeds are from the mustard plant, which is a cruciferous vegetable related to broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. While there are approximately forty different varieties of mustard plants, there are three principal types used to make mustard seeds: black mustard (Brassica nigra), white mustard (Brassica alba) and brown mustard (Brassica juncea). Black mustard seeds have the most pungent taste, while white mustard seeds, which are actu .....
Anti Inflammatory Effects from Selenium and Magnesium
8. Mustard seeds emerged from our food ranking system as an excellent source of selenium, a nutrient which that has been shown to help reduce the severity of asthma, decrease some of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, and help prevent cancer. They also qualified as a good source of magnesium. Like selenium, magnesium has been shown to help reduce the severity of asthma, to lower high blood pressure, to restore normal sleep patterns in women havin .....
Phytonutrient Compounds Protective Against Gastrointestinal Cancer
9. The seeds also contain myrosinase enzymes that can break apart the glucosinolates into other phytonutrients called isothiocyanates. The isothiocyanates in mustard seed (and other Brassicas) have been repeatedly studied for their anti cancer effects. In animal studies and particularly in studies involving the gastrointestinal tract and colorectal cancer intake of isothiocyanates has been shown to inhibit growth of existing cancer cells and to be p .....
Health Benefits
10. The unique healing properties of mustard seeds can partly be attributed to their home among the Brassica foods found in the cruciferous plant family.Mustard seeds also qualified as a very good source of omega-3 fatty acids and manganese as well as a good source of phosphorus, copper, and vitamin B1. .....
Cancer treatment
11. The presence of compounds like glucosinolates and mirosinase in mustard seeds are known to use phytochemicals to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. This is definitely a major mustard seeds health benefit. .....
Rheumatic arthritis
12. Mustard seeds are a source of relief for people having rheumatic arthritis. The selenium and magnesium content in it helps in providing relief from this problem. .....
13. Migraine occurrence also reduces owing to the magnesium content present in the mustard seed. A little touch of mustard to your fish can boost the constituting omega-3 content. .....
Respiration congestion and Nightshades
14. Mustard seeds or mustard in general is known to relieve any congestion problems in respiration.Mustard seeds should find an inclusion in your list of daily spices if you want to avoid nightshades. .....
Dietary fibre
15. Mustard seeds are a good source of dietary fibres that improve digestion in the body. They make the bowel movements better, thus improving the overall metabolism of the body. The fibre content here is mostly very readily soluble making it effective for use. .....
Cancer risk prevention
16. Selenium content in mustard seeds provides good resistance to the body against cancer cell formation. It is known to slow down the rate of development of cancer cells and also acts as an anti-oxidant. .....
Blood pressure and Menopausal relief
17. A number of nutrients present in mustard seeds like copper, iron, magnesium and selenium also assist in the treatment of blood pressure and menopause relief. .....
18. Mustard seeds are also known to be beneficial for Asthma patients. The presence of minerals like copper, magnesium, iron and selenium in it are responsible for the prevention of Asthma Attacks. .....
Natural scrub
19. Mustard seeds are a natural scrub. You can add it to either lavender or rose essential oil. Use this mix to scrub your face and exfoliate dead skin. .....
Hydrates skin
20. Mustard seeds, used with aloe vera gel, can act as a great combination to hydrate your skin. It removes all impurities from your face and nourishes it from within.This beneficial oil has got high levels of Vitamin E, which helps the skin from ageing and against wrinkles. .....
Slows ageing
21. Mustard is a great source of?carotenes,?zeaxanthins?and?lutein?(also called flavonoid and caretonoid antioxidants) vitamin A,C and K. All these components put together make it rich in antioxidants which in turn slows the ageing process. .....
Fights infections
22. These seeds contain a good amount of sulphur which is known for its anti-fungal properties. They help ward off skin infections.Mustard oil is a very strong stimulant and mustard oil massage helps stimulate blood circulation to the skin. The oil is warming to the skin and will cause the massaged area to flush pink because of the increased blood flow. .....
Hair growth and Strengthens hair
23. Mustard oil, extracted from mustard seeds, is a good source of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is a great nutrient for hair growth. It is also a great stimulant which leads to faster hair growth.Mustard seeds contain protein, calcium, vitamin A and E, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. All of these together strengthen your hair from within. Strengthened hair means lesser hair fall too. .....
24. Mustard seeds contain fatty acids. These are known to condition your hair from deep within. It also gives hair a good shine and bounce.Mustard is a low-calorie, flavorful addition to many foods, including as a spread on sandwiches and hamburgers or as an ingredient in sauces and marinades. .....
Removes Odour
25. If your jars start to smell like the spices or ingredients you store in them, using mustard seeds can help. Warm a little water and add it to the jar. Also add a little mustard seed paste to the jar and shake it well. Pour it out. You would be surprised how the smell goes away. .....
Relieves Muscle Pains
26. Stiff muscles or sore and aching muscles can be treated with mustard seeds too. Just soak yourself in a tub of warm water. Now add some mustard seeds powder to the same to relieve pain. .....
Treats Cold Treats Back Pain
27. Mustard is often used to relieve congestion caused by bad cough or cold. The extract of mustard seeds is useful in relieving spasms and back pain.mustard oil has proved useful in relieving cold and cough, when applied onto chest or inhaled for its strong aroma, it helps in removing phlegm from the respiratory tract. .....
Treats Fever
28. Mustard seeds induce heavy sweating, which is used to lower fever. It helps release the toxins from the body and has been useful in flu and cold too.Mustard oil has got a typical pungent and sharp flavour that is because of the presence of a compound called Allyl Isothiocyanate. .....
Select mustards seeds
29. Always try and buy organically-grown mustard seeds.Check for manufacturing dates & Check the expiry date.Mustard is a popular condiment that is made by crushing or grinding mustard seeds and then mixing with water, vinegar and other flavorings and spices. .....
30. Always store mustard seeds in a cool place & Store it in an air-tight container so that it is sealed properly.The container must be completely dry.The shelf where you place the container should not be moist.Whole mustard seeds can last up to one year (at least) and powdered or ground ones last as long as six months. .....
31. Mustard seeds are largely used for tempering dishes.It is also used in non-vegetarian dishes to enhance the taste of meats and fishes.It can also be used for pickling and in chutneys.Another great way of putting mustard seeds to use is in salad dressings & Brown mustard seeds are used for garnishing, once sauteed in oil a little. .....
Interesting facts about mustard seeds
32. Mustard seeds belong to the mustard plant. Mustard plant is a part of cruciferous plant family. This same family of plant includes cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and even cauliflower.Mustard seed is the second most popular spice that is traded around the world.Mustard has been mentioned around 5 times in the Bible. It has once been mentioned as the greatest herb ever. .....
Warming and stimulating
33. Mustard is warming and stimulating to the digestive system. It makes food taste better, and helps you to digest your food as well. The pungent taste and aroma of mustard might be best known here in North America for its iconic pairing with hot dogs and summer barbecues, however, the ancient Greeks had a better understanding its true medicinal value and attributed its discovery to Asclepius, demigod of medicine and healing. .....
Preparation Methods and Dosage
34. Mustard can be applied in external plasters and poultices to clear chest congestion and ease achy joints. Mustard seed foot baths are a wonderful way to treat stubborn colds, sudden chills, and poor circulation. And of course, mustard seed can be made into mustard, the condiment we are so familiar with. .....
Effects on health
35. Health effects of mustard oil have been conducted in India, which had conflicting results. One found that mustard oil had no protective effect on the heart, and the authors reckoned that the benefits of alpha-linolenic acid were outweighed by the harm of erucic acid,[9] while another study found that mustard oil had a protective effect, and the authors reckoned that the benefits of alpha-linolenic acid outweighed the harm of erucic acid.The use o .....
Can help you lose weight
36. The wonder seeds are packed with B-complex vitamins like folates, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin etc. Apart from all the individual merits of these components, they are great in speeding up one s metabolism leading to weight loss. .....
Can slow ageing
37. Mustard is a great source of carotenes, zeaxanthins and lutein (also called flavonoid and caretonoid antioxidants) vitamin A,C and K. All these components put together make it rich in antioxidants which in turn slows the ageing process .....
Relieves rheumatoid arthritic and muscle pain
38. The selenium and magnesium content of mustard lend it anti inflammatory and heat producing properties. When applied to the body, the paste heats up the area and helps loosen muscles, leading to relief from pain. .....
Health india tip
39. To ease pain make a small bundle of the seeds in a muslin cloth, and add it to warm bath water. Either have a long relaxing bath, or soak your tired and aching feet for instant relief. Another great way is to apply the paste of the seed on the area for a few minutes. .....
Lowers cholesterol
40. Mustard contains high levels of niacin or vitamin B3. Niacin has properties that help lower one s cholesterol levels and protects the arteries from atherosclerosis (plaque build-up). It also helps to regulate blood flow and protects the body from hypertension. .....
Helps reduce constipation
41. Helps reduce constipation and may relieve symptoms of piles and fissures: The seeds contain a unique substance called mucilage which is a thick slimy substance that is the key to relieving constipation. Apart from that, it is also high in fibre. In addition, mustard seeds are known to increase the production of saliva, leading to better digestion. .....
Fights skin infections
42. Mustard seeds are a great way to curb skin infections. Sulphur gives the seed anti fungal and anti bacterial properties that help fight common skin ailments. .....
Improves immunity
43. Because mustard has a large number of elemental minerals like iron, manganese, copper etc., it helps improve the body s ability to fight disease.always remember to use mustard seeds in moderation. Even though it has great healing properties, it can also be toxic in large quantities. Make sure you ask your physician before you self medicate. .....
Size is a mustard seed
44. A mustard seed is amller than a peppercorn. It is a the round portion of a clove. Answer If you can picture a poppy seed, there EXTEREMLY tiny, than picture 1/3 of let (less than 1/2) than u hav a mustard seed. .....
Good source of selenium
45. Mustard seeds are good source of selenium, which is known for its anti-inflammatory effects. Selenium is nutrient that helps in reducing the severity of asthma, certain symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and even cancer.Mustard seeds are good source of selenium, which is known for its anti-inflammatory effects. Selenium is nutrient that helps in reducing the severity of asthma, certain symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and even cancer.The oil extr .....
Heart attacks
46. Mustards seed and mustard oil also helps prevent heart attacks and diabetic heart disease, thus making it the most preferred oil, recommended by doctors and dieticians alike. The seeds prove to be a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, iron, manganese, zinc, protein, calcium, dietary fibre and niacin. The magnesium in mustard seeds also help in sleeping up metabolism of the body, hence improving digestion. .....
White Mustard
47. White Mustard (Brassica alba or Brassica hirta) is a round hard seed, beige or straw coloured. Its light outer skin is removed before sale. With its milder flavour and good preservative qualities, this is the one that is most commonly used in ballpark mustard and in pickling. .....
Black Mustard
48. Black Mustard (Brassica nigra) is a round hard seed, varying in colour from dark brown to black, smaller and much more pungent than the white.the value of mustard is dependent upon the type of mustard that is made and the ingredients used in processing. .....
Brown Mustard
49. Brown Mustard (Brassica juncea) is similar in size to the black variety and vary in colour from light to dark brown. It is more pungent than the white, less than the black.Some of the most common mustard types available in the United States are yellow mustard, deli-style or brown mustard, Dijon mustard, honey mustard and stone-ground or whole-grain mustard. .....
Culinary Uses
50. Tadka or Tempering is a cooking method in which cooking oil is heated till very hot and whole spices are added to it and fried. This oil and spice mix is then added as a final touch or garnish to the dish. In Indian cooking, Rai/ Sarson is often part of the Tadka in a dish. The flavor of mustard seeds adds nice and mild aroma. .....
Exotic flavor
51. Mustard seeds have an interesting bite and they contribute to the exotic flavor and aroma of Indian food. If you are like most people, the word mustard probably conjures up images of ballparks and barbeques. Yet, once you add mustard seeds to your spice cabinet, the word will take on a whole new meaning, as you will also relish the spicy, aromatic rustic taste and fragrance that mustard can add to your meals. Mustard seeds are from the mustard pl .....
Healthy Fats
52. Mustard seed oil is that, like other oils, it is rich in fats. Although many other oils will have saturated and trans fats, mustard seed oil contains polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats both. These are the "healthy" types of fats, of which your body needs about 15 grams per day. Both of these fats will contribute to raising the good parts of your cholesterol and lowering the bad. They can also provide you with a set of preventative benefits .....
Lowering Triglycerides
53. Triglycerides are compounds that are found in the blood and which are made up of fat particles. Having higher levels of triglycerides is a condition associated with obesity, heart disease, stroke and many other types of health problems. Fortunately, mustard seed oil can help to lower your triglyceride levels, thereby keeping you healthier in general. .....
Vitamin E
54. Mustard seed oil contains a hefty portion of Vitamin E. Vitamin E is a beneficial nutrient that helps to maintain the quality of your skin, hair and many other parts of your body as well. It is a staple ingredient in a number of different hormonal processes in your body. One single serving of mustard seed oil can give you almost a full day's worth of Vitamin E. .....
low in calories
55. Mustard seed oil is rich in different benefits and low in calories, there are a few other things to be aware of before you purchase this ingredient and include it in your cooking regularly. First, mustard seed oil contains a type of acid called erucic acid. This acid is potentially controversial. It hasn't been confirmed as to what the exact effects of erucic acid are on the human body, but some food scientists believe that it may be potentially .....
Calories Fat Cholesterol and Sodium
56. One tablespoon of mustard seed contains about 53 calories, with 3.2 grams of total fat. The mustard seed contains only 0.2 grams of saturated fat, which is about 0.8 percent of your recommended daily saturated fat intake; no cholesterol; and a measly 0.6 milligrams of sodium. Since sodium, cholesterol and saturated fat can all contribute to health conditions such as heart disease and stroke, mustard seeds can be a healthier alternative to seasoni .....
Carbohydrates and Protein
57. One tablespoon of mustard seed contains only 3.9 grams of total carbohydrates, with 1.6 grams of total fiber. That is 6.6 percent of your daily recommended dietary fiber intake, and it means that mustard seed offers a very high ratio of carbohydrates to fiber. Fiber is an important part of your diet to keep your digestion functioning properly. The mustard seed also contains 2.8 grams of protein, which is about 5.6 percent of your daily protein re .....
58. He tablespoon of mustard seed contains about 94 milligrams of phosphorus, which your body uses along with calcium to build bones and teeth. Phosphorus is also important for waste elimination and DNA production. One serving provides 13 percent of your daily recommended phosphorus intake. The mustard seed also contains 1.1 milligrams of iron -- 14 percent of the recommended daily intake for post-menopausal women and 6 percent for pre-menopausal wom .....
Fatty Acids
59. Mustard seeds are a surprisingly good source of omega-3 fatty acids. These are considered essential for human health, particularly in the growth and development of healthy brain tissue. Omega-3 fatty acids have also been studied for their role in reducing the risk of heart disease, particularly when these unsaturated fats replace saturated fats in the diet. .....
Source of brain boosting
60. Mustard seeds are high in the minerals selenium and magnesium as well as being a lesser known source of brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids. Selenium and magnesium have strong anti-inflammatory properties. They also help reduce the severity of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis, lower blood pressure and may help prevent heart attacks. Mustard is also rich in phytonutrients called isothiocyanates, which may prevent or halt the growth of gastrointestin .....
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