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Edible mushrooms

Benefits of Mushroom


Edible mushrooms

Mushrooms are used extensively incooking, in manycuisines(notablyChinese,Korean,European, andJapanese). They are known as the meat of the vegetable world. Most mushrooms sold insupermarketshave been commercially grown onmushroom farms. The most popular of these,Agaricus bisporus, is considered safe for most people to eat because it is grown in controlled, sterilized environments. Several varieties ofA.bisporusare grown commercially, including whites, crimini, and portobello. Other cultivated species now available at many grocers includeshiitake,maitakeorhenofthewoods,oyster, andenoki. In recent years, increasing affluence in developing countries has led to a considerable growth in interest in mushroom cultivation, which is now seen as a potentially important economic activity for small farmers.


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