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AntiInflammatory Benefits

Benefits of Mushroom


AntiInflammatory Benefits

Risk of many common health problemsincluding type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of canceris increased by the presence of chronic unwanted inflammation. Many factors can contribute to chronic inflammation, and these factors include overproduction of molecules in our body that tell it to launch an inflammatory response. If production of these moleculescalled proinflammatory moleculescan be reduced, chronic inflammation can be reduced or sometimes prevented altogether. Intake of whole fresh mushrooms, mushroom extracts, and powdered/dried mushrooms has been shown to accomplish precisely this resultblocked production of proinflammatory molecules. In some studies, crimini mushroom appears to be a better blocker of certain proinflammatory molecules than its fellow mushrooms like shiitake and maitake.


Tips for Usage Cooking and Eating
Hydrates Skin
Treatment of Acne
Mushrooms keep your heart healthy
Bone Health
Be good to your bladder
Natural Skin Lightener
The superfood for Coeliacs and the gluten intolerant
Crimini Mushrooms and Purines
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