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Excellent source ofvitamin C

Benefits of Lime


Excellent source ofvitamin C

lemons and limes are an excellent source ofvitamin C, one of the most important antioxidants in nature. Vitamin C is one of the main antioxidants found in food and the primary watersoluble antioxidant in the body. Vitamin C travels through the body neutralizing any free radicals with which it comes into contact in the aqueous environments in the body both inside and outside cells. Free radicals can interact with the healthy cells of the body, damaging them and their membranes, and also cause a lot of inflammation, or painful swelling, in the body. This is one of the reasons that vitamin C has been shown to be helpful for reducing some of the symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.


How to store
Lime juice is a sour
Dry skin
Lime juice can helpprevent formation of kidney stones
Eye Care
Supports the Immune System
Hair Conditioner
Limes can be either sour or sweet
Limes Fun Facts
Limes and Eye Care
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