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How to store

Benefits of Lime


How to store

Limes can be kept out at room temperature where they will stay fresh for up to one week. Make sure to keep them away from sunlight exposure since it will cause them to turn yellow and will alter their flavor. Limes can be stored in the refrigerator crisper, wrapped in a loosely sealed plastic bag, where they will keep fresh for about 1014 days. While they can be kept longer than that, for another several weeks, they will begin to lose their characteristic flavor.


Bitamin B6
Wrinkles and Black UnderEyes
Limes Fun Facts
Grated Lime peel
Limes and Constipation
Limes have a very high citric acid content
Peptic Ulcer
Excellent source ofvitamin C
Lime water
Limes containantioxidants
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