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Bitamin B6

Benefits of Lime


Bitamin B6

The nutritional benefits of limes do not differ very much from those of lemons. They are both excellent sources of vitamin C, B6, potassium, folate, flavonoids and the outstanding phytochemical, limonene. In addition to turning plain water into a caloriefree, tasty thirstquencher, you can squeeze or pour it over salads, freshly grilled fish or vegetables, shellfish and other foods in place of highcalorie, highfat flavor enhancers. In addition to calories and fat, other flavor enhancers may be high in sodium, exacerbating high blood pressure.


Supports the Immune System
Peptic Ulcer
Studies Done on Limes
Beauty Care
Lime peels can combat aging skin
Heart Disease
Kidney Stones
Eye Care
Lemons and Limes and Wax Coatings
Anti Pimple Face Pack
More ...

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