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Round kumquat

Benefits of Kumquat fruit


Round kumquat

When the kumquats are divided into multiple species, the nameFortunella japonica(orCitrus japonica) is retained by this group. Theround kumquatalso calledMarumi kumquatorMorgani kumquat, is an evergreen tree, producing edible golden yellow fruit. The round variety called Meiwa kumquat in Hawaii is delicious raw. The fruit is small and usually round but can be oval shaped. The peel has a sweet flavor but the fruit has a sour center. The fruit can be eaten cooked but is mainly used to make marmalades and jellies. It is grown as an ornamental plant and can be used inbonsai. The plant symbolizes good luck in China and other Asian countries, where it is kept as a houseplant and given as a gift during theLunar New Year. Round kumquats are more commonly cultivated than other species due to their cold tolerance.


Benefits of eating Kumquats
Hong Kong or Hong Kong Wild
Rich Source of Minerals
The citrus family of fruits
Meiwa or Large Round Kumquat
Increase Immunity
Great for dieting
Powerhouse of vitamins
Make Kumquat Chutney
Maintains cell health
Vitamin A
Improve wound healing
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