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Omega 3 Fatty acids

Benefits of Iceberg lettuce


Omega 3 Fatty acids

Lettuces vitamin C and betacarotene work together to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol.This prevents the build up of plaque. Iceberg Lettuce is very low in calorie. It has only one 11 calories per one cup. It is also very much low in fat percentage with a high profile proteins and nutrients that is helpful when you try to lose some weight. So daily consuming of iceberg lettuce is helpful for weight loss treatment. For best results take this lettuce with your salad in your breakfast.


Stir fried Lettuce for chinese dish
Lettuce Soup
Skin benefits
Iceberg Lettuce nutritional benefits
Helps Weight Loss
Serving Tips and Suggestions
Loose leaf
Helps with Insomnia
Leaf lettuce can help to protect your eyesight
Romaine lettuce
Removes Toxins
Current Facts
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