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Benefits of Grapefruits



Pectin in this fruit has been found to be effective in reducing the accumulation of arterial deposits, and the vitamin C helps to strengthen and maintain the elasticity of arteries. Grapefruit seed extract is applied to the skin as a facial cleanser, firstaid treatment, remedy for mild skin irritations, and as a vaginal douche for vaginal yeast infections(candidiasis). It is also used as an ear or nasal rinse for preventing and treating infections; as a gargle for sore throats; and a dental rinse for preventing gingivitis and promoting healthy gums; and as a breath freshener.


Grapefruit and Drug Interactions
Consumption Tips
Grapefruit For Infections
Star Ruby
Tips for Preparing Grapefruit
Vitamins and Minerals
Remove Buildup on Hair
Good Source of Potassium
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