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Citric Acid

Benefits of Grapefruits


Citric Acid

Grapefruit and its extract has a refreshing smell and natural skin exfoliating properties, which make it a great addition to scrubs, lotions,bubble bathsand antiaging serums and creams. The citric acid in grapefruit acts as both an Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) and a Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA). Grapefruit oil has been used to firm puffy skin, shrink enlarged pores and dissolve fluid buildup and impurities in the skin. Its recommended that you initially test a small portion of your skin, as grapefruit products and other AHAs can cause dry skin and skin irritation in those with more sensitive skin.


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A Few Words of Warning
Pregnant woman
Consumption of Grapefruit is Better than Many Other Medicines
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