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Food Value of Figs

Benefits of Figs


Food Value of Figs

An analysis of the fresh figs shows it consists good amount of moisture and little protein, fat and carbohydrate. The dry figs have a high nutritive value. Its most important food element is sugar which forms s1 to 74 percent of the whole fruit. Figs are excellent source of potassium, dietary fiber and manganese. Potassium is very helpful tocontrol high blood pressure; dietary fiber supports bowel regularity and helps to maintain sugar and cholesterol levels normal. Manganese helps to control infertility, weakness, heart disorders, memory loss, muscle contraction.


Prevention of coronary heart disease
High in Fiber
Good Source of Iron
Heals Bronchial Infections
Treats Bronchial Infections
Prevention of hypertension
Nutritional Profile
InDepth Nutritional Profile
Lower cholesterol
Cures irondeficiencyanemia
Improves digestion
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