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Benefits of Figs



Figs are the fruit of the ficus tree, which is part of the mulberry family (Moraceae). Figs have a unique, sweet taste, soft and chewy texture andare littered with slightly crunchy, edible seeds. Fresh figs are delicate and perishable, so are often dried to preserve. This produces a sweet and nutritious dried fruit that can be enjoyed all year round. There are multiple different varieties of fig, all of which vary widely in colour and texture. Their unique feature is a little budlike opening called an ostiole at the top that helps the fruit develop. Their natural sweetness meant that, before the days of refined sugars, they were often used as a sweetener.


Help Lower High Blood Pressure
Dried Figs and Sulfites
Strengthens Bones
Prevents Signs of Ageing
Long and luscious hair
A Sweet Way to Lose Weight
Fig fruit nutrition facts
Cautions about Figs
Urinary calcium loss
Prevention of constipation
Cures Constipation
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