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Benefits of Beetroot



Peel, grate and add purified water, apple cider vinegar (unpasteurized), sea salt, stevia or raw agave (and herbs). Let stand for at least 8 hours or overnight at room temperature. Previous studies have shown that nitrites widen blood vessels, but US researchers writing in Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry, the peer reviewed journal of the Nitric Oxide Society, say theirs was the first to find that nitrites also increase blood flow to the brain.


Nutritional value of beetroot juice
Lowers cholesterol
Reddish tint to your hair
Beetroot facts
Glandular fever Epstein Barr virus
Beats constipation and keeps the stomach healthy
Beetroot contains a pigment
Beetroot juice is laxative and diuretic
Beets and Oxalates
Treats anaemia
Bet you didnt know
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