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Benefits of Basil

The health benefits of basil
Traditional Use
Different types of basil
Reduce inflammation and swelling
Anti aging properties
Healing Power
Fever and Common Cold
Sore Throat
Respiratory Disorder
Kidney Stone
Heart Disorder
Childrens Ailments
Mouth Infections
Insect Bites
Skin Disorders
Teeth Disorder
Eye Disorders
Sweet basil
Basil promotes heart health
Basil advances healthy skin
Basil prevents some cancers
Basil boosts the immune system
Basil promotes a healthy gastrointestinal (GI) tract
Basil plant
Important in Indian culture
Healing Properties
Heal Stings and Bites
Beneficial for Children
Relief from Frequent Vomiting
Relieve Stress and Sharpen the Mind
Beneficial in Cancer
Aid in Weight Loss and Curb Laziness
Beneficial for Eyes
Dental Health
Help to Get Rid of Bad Breath
Helpful in Quitting Smoking
Treatment of Kidney stones
Relief from Headache
Treatment of Respiratory Disorders
Good for Heart
Prevention of Acne and Pimples
Beneficial for Facial Skin
Prevention of Blackheads
Treatment of Skin Infections and Ringworms
Treatment of Vitiligo
Prevention of Hair Loss
Treatment of Grey Hair
Strengthen the Hair Shaft
Rejuvenate Hair Follicles
Prevention of Damage by Radiation
DNA Protection
Anti Bacterial Properties
Anti Inflammatory Effects
Cardiovascular Health
Dried basil
Holy basil benefits
History and Spiritual Significance
How to Grow Holy Basil
A note on harvesting
Health Benefits of Sweet Basil
Growing Sweet Basil
Using Sweet Basil
Scientists prove that holy basil heals neuropathy caused by surgery
Holy basil oil may be useful in the treatment of acne
Basil is a Natural Anti Inflammatory Herb
Basil can be easy to add to your diet
Basil herb nutrition facts
Selection and storage
Preparation and serving methods
Medicinal uses of basil herb
Basil Pesto
General Cooking
Calming the Stomach
Facial Steam for Headache
Antibiotic properties
Stings and Bites
Ear Infections
Blood sugar
Stress Reduction
Kidney Stones
Childrens Illnesses
Tooth Problems
Holy basil is a plant
Basil Essential Oil
Diabetes and cardiovascular disease
More ...

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