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Using Sweet Basil

Benefits of Basil


Using Sweet Basil

The easiest way to use basil is to eat it. Its delicious and has a sort of spicy-sweet licorice flavor. It tastes amazing in salads and especially with a sun-ripened tomato. While sweet basil is most often included in cooked meals, youll get the most benefits when you eat it raw, though combining it with other foods won?t lessen its impact.You can also add basil to a salad vinaigrette. Simply combine it with extra virgin olive oil, a bit of garlic, and some apple cider vinegar for a healing combination that can be splashed on salads or used on bread.


Medicinal uses of basil herb
History and Spiritual Significance
Mouth Infections
Holy basil benefits
Diabetes and cardiovascular disease
Insect Bites
Antibiotic properties
Basil boosts the immune system
Tooth Problems
Heal Stings and Bites
Sore Throat
More ...

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