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Powerful Energy Field

Benefits of Bamboo Shoots


Powerful Energy Field

Quantum Physics agrees that every single being on earth, whether living or non living, carries an energy field. Since ancient times, the bamboo has been known as having a powerful energy field that is so potent that it can be picked up by those within its surrounding. People in frequent contact with bamboo experience increased strength, stamina and virility. When the bamboo flowers, even the rodents around it begin to reproduce 3 4 times more than they would in other seasons. The bamboo has a powerful energy field and is a natural energy conductor. Ancient Chinese Science recognized this and used bamboo to clear negative energy and brighten up & promote the energy flows of certain areas. Many use bamboo to bolster creativity and improve artistic expression.


Corrects Irregular Menstrual Cycles
Treating baldness
What are Bamboo Shoots
Anti inflammatory
Function as nutraceuticals
Controls Cholesterol
Source of Vitamin B6
Bamboo leaves
A Few Serving Ideas for Bamboo Shoots
Effective herbal remedy
Fights Cancer
High Levels of Potassium
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