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Rich in nutrients

Benefits of Bamboo Shoots


Rich in nutrients

Shoots have a high content of protein (amino acids), carbohydrate, minerals, and several vitamins. De toxification of thus prepared meat is generally done through boiling in water. Bamboo shoots contain taxiphyllin, a cyanogenic glycoside, which should be removed before use them in cooking. Boiling in a bowl of uncovered salted water for about 20 25 minutes removes most of these glycosides. To be sure, discard this water and boil again in fresh water for another 5 10 minutes would make them completely safe to eat.


Delicious dish
Local names
Wound Cleaning
Helps in Losing Weight
Possible Cure for Poisoning
Additional Benefits
Bamboo leaves
Antibiotic & Antimicrobial
Heals Respiratory Diseases
Advantages of bamboo
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