benefits of bamboo shoots
What are Bamboo Shoots
. Bamboo shoots are the sprouts which spring out beside the bamboo plant. These sprouts or shoots are edible and they belong to the Bambusoideae subfamily of grass. They are the largest and tallest in the grass family. Bamboo is also known to be one of the fastest growing plants in the world. The fastest growing species of bamboo is Chinese Moso. It reportedly grows up to 100 cm per day. Some of the bamboo species whose sprouts are harvested includ
How to Eat Bamboo
. Only the shoots of bamboo are edible. The shoot is the part of the bamboo pole early in its growth. Shoots are harvested about 2 weeks after they appear from the ground s surface or just under 1 foot tall. If you weren t lucky enough to buy a house that already had bamboo growing in backyard, you can easily search online for or drive to your local Asian food, select farmer s or specialty food markets to purchase fresh bamboo shoots. Prices range
. Members of the grass family, bamboo shoots were indigenous to southern China. They are the young and new canes of the bamboo plant, which is extremely versatile. Since ancient times, the woody tree trunks of bamboo have been used to build entire houses, furniture, kitchenware and utensils. Bamboo has also laid the foundation for many bridges and musical instruments, apart from the shoots being widely used as food. Due to its diverse adjustability
Helps in Losing Weight
. Bamboo shoots are weight loss friendly. When we look at the amount of calories, carbohydrates and sugars contained in bamboo shoots, it is shocking to find that their presence is almost negligible. This makes it an ideal food for people who want to lose weight, but also who want their stomachs to be full.
Heart Health
. According to research studies, phytosterols and phytonutrients found in bamboo shoots are ideal for dissolving harmful LDL cholesterol in the body. This eases cholesterol out of arteries for the smooth supply and movement of blood throughout the body.
Controls Cholesterol
. Consumption of bamboo shoots is also helpful in decreasing LDL levels of cholesterol, with stable glucose levels. This is due to the fact that bamboo shoots contain negligible amounts of fat and very low calories. Research conducted by Park and Jhon at Washington State University showed that the consumption of bamboo shoots had favorable effects on cholesterol, lipids and bowel function.
Fights Cancer
. Research studies conducted on bamboo shoots have indicated that leaves of bamboo shoots consist of phytosterols such as flavone, amylase and chlorophyll. Out of these, chlorophyll showed properties of controlling mutations and cancer. Japanese scientists recently discovered that bamboo shoots contain anti cancer agents and making them a regular part of your diet effectively eliminates the free radicals that can produce dangerous carcinogens.
Strengthens the Immune System
. The vitamins and minerals in bamboo shoots are ideal for improving the body s immune system. The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants present in bamboo shoots are essential for strengthening the body from the inside out. Crisp and chewy bamboo shoots are freshly erupting edible culms of bamboo plant. Young, tender shoots are a seasonal delicacy in East Asian regions, particularly in China, Taiwan, Japan and other South East Asian countries. Sever
High Supply of Dietary Fiber
. The amount of dietary fiber in bamboo shoots is high. Consuming sufficient amounts of dietary fiber is essential for easy digestion and healthy bowel movements. Including bamboo shoots in your meals can be a very good idea for losing weight as well. With lack of any physical activity during the night time, taking food with less calories and high fiber helps lose weight easily, even while you sleep!
Anti Inflammatory Properties
. According to research conducted by Muniappan and Sundararaj, bamboo shoots possess anti inflammatory and analgesic (pain killing) properties. It helps in the healing of ulcers as well. Juice from bamboo shoots can also be used as a medicine for external wounds and ulcers.
Respiratory Disorders
. Bamboo shoots have been known to be effective against respiratory disorders. A decoction of the shoots can be prepared by boiling the shoots twice. The first boil should be for 5 minutes followed by a second boil for about 10 minutes. The decoction can be taken along with honey for the best effect.
Possible Cure for Poisoning
. In Ayurvedic medicine, the ancient Indian science of medicine and lifestyle, it is believed that bamboo extracts contain anti venomous properties. They are useful in cases of both snake and scorpion bites. Bamboo plant is member in the grass family. After about 3 4 years of implantation, a new shoot arise from the root system which is gathered and used as a vegetable. Some of important edible species are Bambusa bambos, Bambusa tulda, B. polymorp
Uterotonic Properties
. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that bamboo shoots can cause uterine contractions. It is used as a medicinal supplement during the last month of pregnancy when the delivery date is still pending. According to the research papersubmitted by Gruber and O Brien at the University of Vienna, bamboo is one of the many plants which have been listed among uterotonic plants.
Stomach Disorders
. Bamboo shoots are useful in treating stomach disorders. Apart from bamboo shoots, bamboo leaves are also suggested as a remedy for intestinal worms and stomach disorders as well. Bamboo shoots appear above the ground surface in different seasons depending up on the species. When the cone shaped new shoot just appears above the ground surface, it is severed from its root attachment using a spade.
Wound Cleaning
. Bamboo shoots are also used for cleaning wounds and sores. On its exterior, the shoot features tough casing of leaves, firmly wrap around its central cream white meat. The meat has crunchy texture, mild yet distinctive flavor. Once boiled and cured, it however, acquires almost a neutral taste.
Lowers Blood Pressure
. Bamboo shoots contain high amounts of potassium. Potassium is highly beneficial as an electrolyte and is also very good for lowering and maintaining blood pressure. Bamboo culms compose of adequate levels of soluble and non soluble (NSP non starch carbohydrates) dietary fiber. 100 g of fresh shoots provide 2.2 g of roughage. Dietary fiber helps control constipation conditions, decrease bad (LDL) cholesterol levels by binding to it in the intestin
A Few Serving Ideas for Bamboo Shoots
. Bamboo shoots can be boiled and then used for making various dishes. Boiled shoots can be served with butter and soya sauce as a vegetable accompaniment. Bamboo culms are also rich in B complex group of vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine), and pantothenic acid those are essential for optimum cellular enzymatic and metabolic functions.
The bamboo plant
. Every part of the bamboo plant is put to use by Asian cultures and various ethnic groups. Bamboo is used for various other purposes ranging from construction, support for buildings, simple housing, bamboo furniture, musical instruments such as flutes, dizi, xiao, shakuhachi, and in paper production. Thus, bamboo is one of the most utilized and versatile plants on the planet.
Bamboo species
. Some of the bamboo species whose sprouts are harvested include phyllostachys edulis, winter shoots, hairy shoots, phyllostachys bambusoides, dendrocalamus latiflorus, bambusa vulgaris, bambusa oldhamii, andbambusa odashimae. Bamboo shoots compose excellent levels of potassium. 100 g of fresh shoots hold 533 mg or 11% of daily required levels of potassium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart ra
The health benefits of bamboo shoots
. The health benefits of bamboo shoots include healthy weight loss, control of bad cholesterol, strengthening of the immune system, possible cancer fighting properties and anti inflammatory properties. It is heart friendly, contains protein, a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals and a negligible amount of fat. It also contains a significant amount of dietary fiber.
High potassium
. Due to the high potassium content in bamboo shoots, they help in keeping the blood pressure under control. Bamboo shoots also have stabilizing effects on the arterial blood pressure. Fresh bamboo shoots are a seasonal delicacy. In the USA, fresh shoots, especially frozen, are generally imported from China and Taiwan. However, vacuum packed or canned bamboo shoots from the supermarkets around the year.
Regular consumption of bamboo shoots
. Regular consumption of bamboo shoots are known to work wonders for cholesterol health. By reducing LDL levels significantly, these shoots fight the risk of heart diseases. If you are buying fresh shoots, look for fresh harvest. Choose firm and heavy sprouts with wide base and intact leaves. Avoid soft, dry roots. Take a close look at the base of the root whether or not it turning to green hue. Greenish discoloration indicates that the root was ex
High amount of antioxidant properties
. With a high amount of antioxidant properties, the shoots contribute towards averting the risk of colon cancer. Bamboo is good in minerals, especially manganese and copper. In addition, it has small amounts of some other essential minerals and electrolytes such as calcium, iron, and phosphorus. Manganese is used by the body as a co factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells. Iro
. Apart from boosting the body s immunity, bamboo shoots have anti inflammatory properties which decrease the risk of contracting various chronic diseases. At home, fresh bamboo should be eaten as soon as they harvested. Otherwise, keep the unpeeled whole bamboo shoot wrapped inside a paper towel and place inside the refrigerator for 1 2 days.
Effective herbal remedy
. Bamboo shoots have been referred to as an effective herbal remedy for alleviating spasms in the gallbladder. Raw bamboo shoots from the market should be processed before adding them in cooking. The whole process of shoots preparation has two steps; peeling its outer tough sheaths and de toxification of its inner meat in order to remove bitter compounds. One of the easier methods to peel bamboo shoot is to cut it lengthwise into two halves.
Treating baldness
. Other benefits of bamboo shoots are associated with treating baldness, itching, wound bleeding, cataracts and other eye problems, painful menstruation, burning sensations, bladder pain, gonorrheal infections and painful joints. Then peel its outer leaves starting from the base and working on towards the tip. Tim away any tough portion at the base. Then dice the shoot to your desired sizes. Place the cubes in a bowl of cold water.
How to Buy BambooShoot
. Bamboo shoots can be bought fresh from the market or purchased in the canned forms. While the fresh ones are white and hairless, the canned versions are light yellow since they are slightly boiled beforehand. They may either be canned or sliced. Short and firm bamboo shoots are ideal. To check for freshness, look out for the colour i.e. they should be a creamy yellow. Avoid old or long bamboo shoots as they are woodier but the soft ones are no be
Bamboo Shoot Storage Tips
. Fresh bamboo shoots can be easily stored in a refrigerator for up to two weeks. However, if stored for longer durations and exposed to sunlight, they are likely to develop a bitter taste, making it unpalatable. While storing bamboo shoots, place them whole and unpeeled in the coolest part of your refrigerator, preferably the crisper drawer. If you have bought the canned version of bamboo shoots, open the can and rinse the shoots in hot water to r
Low in Calories
. One cup of boiled bamboo shoots contains just 14 calories. That is a much less than most other types of vegetables. For example, broccoli has over twice as many calories. In addition to this, bamboo shoots are a very high in fiber. This means that you will feel more full after eating them and will be able to resist snacking on more fatty foods
Lowers Cholesterol Levels
. The high fiber content means that they are also great for lowering cholesterol. A study of women that was published in the journal Nutrition showed that those who ate bamboo shoots for a period of 6 days had decreased cholesterol levels compared to those who didn t eat them. In addition, the phytosterols and polyphenols responsible for lowering cholesterol are also known to have anti inflammatory properties.
Improves Digestion
. The same study in the journal Nutrition also showed that the women who ate them had a greater number of bowel movements compared to the women who didn t eat any. It is the high fiber content that leads to this benefit. Many adults don t get enough fiber in their diet. So adding this food to your meals is a good way to ensure that you are getting enough fiber.
High Levels of Potassium
. One cup of boiled bamboo shoots provides 18 percent of the recommended daily requirement for potassium. The body uses potassium as an electrolyte, and it is important for maintaining a proper balance of fluid levels in the cells. A diet containing potassium rich foods can decrease the risk of high blood pressure. So eating this food can lower your chances of developing hypertension.
Source of Vitamin B6
. Bamboo shoots are also a source of vitamin B6. This vitamin is important for healthy skin. An individual with a deficiency of vitamin B6 can develop anemia and dermatitis. This will often be accompanied by cheilosis, which is the cracking of the skin at the corners of the mouth. It s good to eat a wide variety of vegetables to cover all of your vitamin needs, and bamboo shoots can be part of this.
More valuable
. Bamboo shoots are perhaps more valuable for what they don t add to your meals than what they do. While not bursting with nutrients, the Asian vegetables add bulk and texture to foods without piling on fat and calories. If you find fresh shoots in the grocery store, peel and boil them before serving. Canned shoots are readily available in Asian markets and grocery stores; reheat them or serve them chilled. Use bamboo shoots in stir fries, toss the
General Information
. Because canned bamboo shoots tend to come in a finer diced form than home chopped shoots, it s a good idea to compare the shoots by weight rather than volume. 3.5 oz. of bamboo shoots is just over 3/4 cup of cooked shoots, while 3.5 oz. of canned shoots is almost exactly 3/4 cup. A 3.5 oz. serving of cooked shoots is 12 calories, while canned shoots have 19 calories. Both types have zero or very little fat, sodium or cholesterol. Cooked shoots ha
. Bamboo shoots are a good source of dietary fiber. A 3.5 oz. serving of cooked shoots delivers 4 percent of the fiber you need each day, and canned shoots provide 6 percent of the daily value, or DV, for fiber. According to the MedlinePlus, fiber helps lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar, while helping to regulate your digestion, and might lower your risk of certain cancers, including colon cancer.
Vitamins and Minerals
. If your doctor suggests you undertake a DASH, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, meal plan, opt for freshly cooked bamboo shoots over the canned variety. DASH diets emphasize a healthy intake of potassium, a mineral associated with lower blood pressure. A 3.5 oz. serving of home cooked bamboo shoots provides 15 percent of the DV for potassium, yet the same amount of canned bamboo shoots contains only 2 percent of the potassium you should ha
Additional Benefits
. According to Washington State University, certain compounds in bamboo shoots might hold additional benefits. Some of the compounds, including those known as phenolic acids, might provide antioxidant protection against heart disease and cancer. Another phytochemical in bamboo shoots, lignans, appears to deliver a range of benefits, through antifungal and antiviral properties, as well as possible anti cancer properties.
. Bamboo is intricately associated with humans from times immemorial. Popularly known for their industrial uses, a lesser known fact of bamboos is the usage of its young shoots as a food that can be consumed fresh, fermented, or canned. The juvenile shoots are not only delicious but are rich in nutrient components, mainly proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, and fiber and are low in fat and sugars. In addition, they contain phytosterols and a high am
The shoots are free from residual toxicity
. The shoots are free from residual toxicity and grow without the application of fertilizers. Modern research has revealed that bamboo shoots have a number of health benefits: improving appetite and digestion, weight loss, and curing cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The shoots are reported to have anticancer, antibacterial, and antiviral activity. Shoots have antioxidant capacity due to the presence of phenolic compounds. The increasing trends o
Nutritional Value of Bamboo Shoots
. The nutritional value of edible shoots of different bamboo species has been worked out by several workers (Giri and Janmejoy 1992; Shi and Yang 1992; Tripathi 1998; Chen and others 1999; Sharma and others 2004; Xu and others 2005; Kumbhare and Bhargava 2007;Nirmala and others 2007, 2008). Bamboo shoots are low in calories, high in dietary fiber, and rich in various nutrients. The main nutrients in bamboo shoots are protein, carbohydrates, amino a
Rich in nutrients
. Shoots have a high content of protein (amino acids), carbohydrate, minerals, and several vitamins. De toxification of thus prepared meat is generally done through boiling in water. Bamboo shoots contain taxiphyllin, a cyanogenic glycoside, which should be removed before use them in cooking. Boiling in a bowl of uncovered salted water for about 20 25 minutes removes most of these glycosides. To be sure, discard this water and boil again in fresh w
Function as nutraceuticals
. Nutraceuticals are ordinary foods with components or ingredients imparting a specific medical or physiological benefit other than a purely nutritional effect. Bamboo shoots contain phytosterols and a high amount of fiber that can qualify as nutraceuticals or natural medicines. Phytosterols have cholesterol lowering activity (Brufau and others 2008).
Low fat
. Fat content is extremely low in bamboo shoots (2.46 g/100 g) that are, therefore, very good for weight conscious and dieting people. Bamboo shoots contain taxiphyllin, a cyanogenic glycoside. Cyanide alkaloids inhibit cytochrome oxidase, an important enzyme in cellular respiration. Over matured shoots and certain varieties of bamboo possess higher concentration of these glycosides than young, tender and some sweet varieties. Treating the tender s
. The high cellulosic content of bamboo shoots stimulates appetite. Being crisp, crunchy, and tender with a sweet flavor, shoots have a unique and delicious taste that function as an appetizer. The shoots called as takenoko are one of the spring specials in Japan. Fine, thinly sliced shoots added to salads, stir fries, or rice (takenoko gohan).
Bamboo Shoots and Human Health
. Bamboo shoots have been regarded as a traditional Chinese medicinal material for more than 2000 y, and according to archaic Chinese medicinal books, such as Ben Chao Qui Zheng, Ben Jing Feng Yuan, Yao Pin Hua Yi, and Jing Yue, were proclaimed to be beneficial to human health, by promoting motion and peristalsis of the intestine, helping digestion, and preventing and curing cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and cancers. In South Asian countries,
. Bamboo shoots are low in calories, one cup of half inch long slices containing a mere 14 to 15 g of fat. The macronutrients present in the shoots include amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, and fat. Some of the nutrient components in bamboo shoots are higher than those contained in commonly consumed vegetables
. Protein is an indispensible requirement for the growth and maintenance of all biological organisms. Every cell in our body needs protein to carry out the metabolic actions that sustain us. The amount of protein required for normal health is variable depending on many factors, mainly body weight, age, physical activity, health condition, environment, among others. Growing children and pregnant and lactating women, however, require more protein per
. Juvenile bamboo shoots have a high content of minerals such as K, P, Na, Mg, Ca, and Fe. The shoots are labeled as a heart protective vegetable because of its high content of K that helps to maintain normal blood pressure and a steady heart beat. Potassium, an essential macroelement is a heart friendly mineral that helps to maintain normal blood pressure and a steady heart beat. The K content in bamboo shoots ranges from 232 to 576 mg/100 g fresh
Delicious dish
. Bamboo is not only a delicious dish to be savored with its unique flavor, but it also has many health benefits that we should know about and keep in mind. Medicinal uses of bamboo have been known and practiced by Asian healers of old. Let us acquaint ourselves with a few of these uses and benefits.
Bamboo leaves
. Bamboo leaves have antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help to keep the balance of free radicals and ward off any excess amount that can cause a large variety of problems like heart disease and even cancer. It is also great for healthy skin.
Help to regulate the cycle
. Women suffering from menstrual irregularities or disorders can find benefit through the intake of bamboo shoots that help to regulate the cycle. It can also ease heavy bleeding. Furthermore, bamboo can help to ease labor pain in the last stage of pregnancy.
Bamboo juice
. Health benefits of bamboo include treating wounds and ulcers due to its antibacterial properties. Bamboo juice is particularly helpful for ulcers. If you are looking for a healthy and low calorie option then bamboo shoots are definitely your answer! With numerous health benefits to boast of, bamboo is a tender, perennially green shoot which is also the fastest growing plants in the world. Bamboo shoots, or bamboo sprouts, are young stems that are
Advantages of bamboo
. Advantages of bamboo include its ability to control blood pressure due to the abundance of potassium. Potassium helps to lower blood pressure and keep the body healthy. Fresh bamboo shoots can be easily stored in a refrigerator for up to two weeks. However, if stored for longer durations and exposed to sunlight, they are likely to develop a bitter taste, making it unpalatable.
Good for the stomach
. Bamboo shoots are good for the stomach and can cure mild symptoms like indigestion and diarrhea. If you have bought the canned version of bamboo shoots, open the can and rinse the shoots in hot water to remove any unpleasant smell and taste. You may also blanch them prior to cooking.
Bamboo is also used in aromatherapy
. Bamboo is also used in aromatherapy as it known to be a natural exfoliant. A lot of cosmetic products integrate bamboo ingredients for facial and hair care. Alternatively, you can place the bamboo shoots in a jar with water and place it in a refrigerator. Change the water daily, until consumed. This way, they can last for up to two weeks.
Uses of bamboo plants
. In addition, uses of bamboo plants are not only limited to dietary benefits. It is also used to make furniture and is an excellent raw material for construction purposes. The properties of bamboo shoots were recorded in the book of Compendium of Materia Medica, a pharmaceutical text written during the Ming Dynasty (1368 1644), with the following words: It s slightly cold, sweet, non toxic, and it quenches thirst, benefits the liquid circulatory
A few words of caution
. A few words of caution are good to keep in mind when it comes to bamboo shoots. If you are consuming fresh shoots, take care to boil them thoroughly for about half an hour in salt water. This helps to remove the raw taste and also kill germs, bacteria, and toxins. Certain varieties of bamboo shoots are not good for pregnant women as they are said to have abortive properties. Please consult your doctor for further advice. In addition, some people
Local names
. Bamboo shoot tips are called zh
Bamboo shoots are the edible shoots
. Bamboo shoots are the edible shoots of the bamboo plant and are usually harvested before they are two weeks old. The shoots have a tough exterior and a tender interior with a faintly sweet flavour. It is important to peel the bamboo shoots before using since they have a bitter taste and are difficult to digest.
Bamboo shoots may be huge and thick
. Bamboo shoots may be huge and thick and in many cuisines, it if first boiled in water till cooked and then sliced. These sliced bamboo shoots are further used in recipes as required. Alternatively, peel, thinly slice the bamboo shoot and soak in water for 3 days. Keep draining and replenishing with fresh water every day. This way toxins present in bamboo shoots get washed away.
How to select
. Bamboo shoots can be purchased sliced fresh or canned. If purchasing canned, ensure that the cans are not puffed. Check the brand, manufacturing and expiry date before purchasing. Do note that canned bamboo shoots are parboiled. Modern research finds that the bamboo shoot has a number of medicinal benefits, from cancer prevention and weight loss to improving appetite and digestion. It is also low in sugar and therefore can be used for treating h
Culinary Uses
. It is widely used in Oriental cooking, specifically in Indonesian,Vietnamese and Thai cuisines. In Indonesia, bamboo shoots are thinly sliced and then cooked with vegetables, spices and coconut milk or just in coconut milk. In Vietnamese cuisine, bamboo shoots are thinly shredded and use in stir fry recipes.
Powerful Energy Field
. Quantum Physics agrees that every single being on earth, whether living or non living, carries an energy field. Since ancient times, the bamboo has been known as having a powerful energy field that is so potent that it can be picked up by those within its surrounding. People in frequent contact with bamboo experience increased strength, stamina and virility. When the bamboo flowers, even the rodents around it begin to reproduce 3 4 times more t
Help in stomach problems
. All sorts of stomach problems can be treated by taking bamboo leaves. Studies have proven that bamboo leaves strengthen and reinforce the muscles of the stomach. The stimulative properties increase the digestive fire, and promote efficient digestion, hence explaining bamboo is served as an appetizer to enable easy digestion of a meal. Bamboo is even take as tea in some places in India, to promote digestion as well as for other health benefits.
Spiritual Healing
. Bamboo has long been considered to have miraculous properties, an in reality, many attest to the spiritual healing properties of bamboo to date. With its negative energy clearing properties, bamboo is used to purify the heart, let go of past burdens and regrets. When bamboo is used, it bolsters self worth and self esteem as your energy channels are cleared and your mood is brightened.
Mental Alertness
. Students often use bamboo to stay mentally focused and alert while studying. Students are able to learn easier and absorb information better with bamboo, which provides unadulterated energy field for easier learning, as well as clears dull thoughts and energy blocks. Soldiers in ancient times, under the stresses of travel and war, used bamboo to keep mentally alert and sharp. To date, many cashier desks have young bamboo shoots displayed, to incr
Highly Nutritious
. While eating bamboo may sound strange to you, many countries in Asia eat bamboo, especially bamboo shoots as part of their daily diet. Ancient science says, the taller the tree, the more quality nutrition in the fruit, and this holds true for bamboo. Considered the tallest grass in the world, growing up to 25 30 feet tall, the bamboo shoot is highly nutritious. Bamboo is rich in phytochemicals, antioxidants, protein, potassium, fiber, essential
Corrects Irregular Menstrual Cycles
. In Asian medicine, the juice of bamboo leaves when take regularly is used to correct menstrual irregularities. Bamboo helps regulate the menstrual cycle as well as other menstruation related issues, such as regulating excessive bleeding during periods. The bamboo nodes are also used to prepare a decoction to relieve menstrual problems.
Heals Depression
. Those suffering depression benefit greatly from introducing bamboo into their homes, as it attracts love, joy, happiness and other positive, peaceful emotions. Bamboo channels out negative energy through its powerful energy field, reduces chronic pain, stress, anxiety and depression as it is believed to dispel negative energy and balance the mind and body.
. Herbal extracts and essential oils prepared from bamboo are used in the aromatherapy world to capture the healing properties of this miracle plant. Many are captivated by the fresh scent of bamboo oil, and it is used as a fragrance as well. Its aroma is sweet and woody, a clean and dewy aroma that reminds you of a luscious wet forest. It is used in aromatherapy and massage to relax the body and unknot the stresses of the mind. Bamboo is even said
. Early Chinese apothecaries revered the bamboo for its aphrodisiac properties. The shoots when eaten regularly were said to strengthen libido and sexual stamina. Decoctions made of bamboo were taken to boost sexual virility and are even available now in powder form.
Heals Respiratory Diseases
. Black bamboo is a variety of bamboo that is used as a mucous purger and natural expectorant. It controls bacterial infections and disease of the lungs and enables the expulsion of mucous containing dead bacteria and toxins out of the body.
Induces Labor
. As discussed above, bamboo is good not only for correcting menstrual irregularities, but also for regulating all female related issues. Where in some countries bamboo leaves are used in traditional preparations to induce abortions in early pregnancy, in the last stage of pregnancy, bamboo serves a natural inducer to encourage labour contractions. It is used to promote the easy delivery of both the baby as well as the placenta, and prevent excessi
Antibiotic & Antimicrobial
. Bamboo sheets can keep your bed germ free. With it s antimicrobial and antibiotic properties, bamboo textiles are gaining popularity for not just babies, but for adults too. The bamboo plant is rarely attacked by pests or infectious bacterial disease. Poultices made from babmoo shoot are used to dress and clean wounds to prevent infections, as well as to heal wounds that are infected. Bamboo fiber socks are used today to prevent foot odor.
Anti inflammatory
. Bamboo shoots possess anti inflammatory characteristics, which can be used for topical application to reduce swelling, as well as for healing internal inflammations in all parts of the body, when taken internally. Bamboo contains analgesic and anti inflammatory effects, and is used to treat ulcers in the body, as well as swollen injuries.
Natural Diuretic
. Bamboo is used as a natural diuretic to stimulate the smooth flow of urine for people with urinary troubles. The leaves of bamboo can restore body fluid and are a natural diuretic, promoting bladder health. The main nutrients in bamboo shoots are protein, amino acid, fat, sugar and inorganic salt. They are rich in protein, containing between 1.49 and 4.04 grams (average 2.65g) per 100g of fresh bamboo shoots. The bamboo protein produces eight ess
Strengthens Immune System
. Containing a powerhouse of nutrients and minerals, bamboo can provide the body with a strong supply of nourishment to strengthen the immune system. It is said eating bamboo regularly decreases susceptibility to common colds and infections and wards of disease. They also help recovery from chronic infections and help replenish immune strength after prolonged use of anti biotics.
Faster Recovery from Wounds
. Poultices made from bamboo have the ability to treat infected wounds as well as to promote faster recovery from external wounds. Even maggot infected wounds and sores can be treated by bamboo. This is because, among other properties, the juice of the bamboo leaf contains methanol which cleans and heals wounds.
Purifying Indoor Air
. Bamboo is a beautiful plant to keep indoors and yet has immense benefits for indoor air too. Bamboo was rated a score of 8.6/10 by NASA in the list of plants that purify air. Bamboo has the ability to fight of pollutants in the air, purifying the air from fomeldehyde, xylene and carbonmonoxide. Bags filled with bamboo charcoal can be kept indoors to absorb unpleasant odors and keep the house smelling fresh, while absorbing excess humidity that pr
Anti Venomous Properties
. Ayurveda, the ancient science of health and wellbeing that stems from India, records bamboo extract as a potent nuetralizer of poisons in the body, and are said to be effective against both scorpion and snake bites. Bamboo extract. Bamboo extract contains the highest amount of naturally occuring silica, which is used in beauty to promote healthy nails, teeth and also to promote beautiful skin.
Cures Constipation
. With todays changing lifestyle and diet, more and more people are facing constipation, which is not a symptom to be taken lightly. The longer stools stay in the intestines, the more fluid containing toxins are reabsorbed into the body, creating problems in the long term. Bamboo fiber is now being added to cereals to combat nation wide constipation. Gram for gram, bamboo contains more fiber than lettuce and is a great natural cure for constipation