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Vitamins and Minerals

Benefits of Bamboo Shoots


Vitamins and Minerals

If your doctor suggests you undertake a DASH, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, meal plan, opt for freshly cooked bamboo shoots over the canned variety. DASH diets emphasize a healthy intake of potassium, a mineral associated with lower blood pressure. A 3.5 oz. serving of home cooked bamboo shoots provides 15 percent of the DV for potassium, yet the same amount of canned bamboo shoots contains only 2 percent of the potassium you should have each day. Both varieties are good sources of copper, manganese and vitamin B 6. Each also provides at least 2 percent of the DV for riboflavin, phosphorus and zinc.


Culinary Uses
Anti Inflammatory Properties
Bamboo species
Bamboo shoots may be huge and thick
Strengthens Immune System
Bamboo Shoot Storage Tips
The health benefits of bamboo shoots
Powerful Energy Field
Delicious dish
High Supply of Dietary Fiber
Heals Respiratory Diseases
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