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Grihapati Avatar 3

Avataars of Lord Shiva


Grihapati Avatar 3

Grihapati commenced his penance at Kashi. Indra arrived there and requested him to demand anything he wished but Grihapati refused. Indra became furious and tried to attack him with his Vajra. Grihapati was very terrified. Right then Lord Shiva appeared and Indra had to retreat from the scene. Lord Shiva blessed Grihapati by saying even Kaalvajra would not be able to kill you. Grihapati became very pleased. The Shivalinga which he worshipped, later on became famous as Agnishwar linga. Lord Shiva made Grihapati the lord of all the directions.


Keerat Avatar 1
Durvasa 2
Veerbhadra Avatar 1
Ashwatthama 1
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Keerat Avatar
Sureshwar Avatar 1
Sharabha avatar
Avatars of Lord Shiva
Krishna Darshan Avatar 3
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