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Nandi Avatar 1

Avataars of Lord Shiva


Nandi Avatar 1

As a primary Hindu God, Nandi is traced in lineage back to ancient dairy farmers that depended on cows for their main livelihood. As their foremost source of sustenance, Nandi was worshiped as keeper of the herds. In this form he was said to be bullfaced with a body much like his hallowed Shiva, but with 4 hands. Two hands holding axe and antelope, and the other two joined in homage. In this human form he is known as Nandikeshwara.


Krishna Darshan Avatar 1
Yatinath Avatar 4
Grihapati Avatar 2
Krishna Darshan Avatar 2
Yatinath Avatar 5
Bhairava Avatar 2
Bhairava Avatar 1
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