Avatars of Lord Shiva
Avataars of Lord Shiva
Avatars of Lord Shiva
Shiva is present everywhere! As Adi Shankaracharya said,Forgive me Oh, Shiva! My three great sins! I came on a pilgrimage to Kashi forgetting that, you are omnipresent. In thinking about you, I forgot that You are beyond thought. In praying to you, I forgot that You are beyond words. To sustain law and balance of nature Lord Shiva took many avatars in various yugas. In Shiv Mahapuran, there is a mention of these avatars, heres a look?",1.jpg,Avataars of Lord Shiva 16305,Piplaad Avatar,As per the legends, Shiva was born as Piplaad to sage Dhatichi. The sage left his son even before he was born. Upset without his father Piplaad asked the devas why my father left me. They told him that the unfortunate circumstances were formed because of the planetary position of Shani. On learning this, Piplaad cursed Shani and Shani started falling down its celestial abode.