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If you don

Tips to get ready for Study Abroad


If you don

If you are heading someplace like France or Mexico, where they generally speak their own language, you need to know at least some of it. Do not go there if you do not know the basics. You do not have to be fluent, that is part of the experience of going there, but you need to go with a general idea of the culture and the language so that you arenot totally out of your element. It is very important to know at least some of the language of the country ton which you are going.


Google your new town
Make new friends and be sociable
Get familiar with your routes
Pack thinking about mix and matching
Pick a Place that is Relevant
Figure out the money
Find student accommodation
Find a student job or volunteer
Bring something small from home
Invest in smart travel strategies
Be Open to New Things
Choose carefully Make sure the program is a good match for your son or daughter s academic and personal goals
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