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Pick a Place that is Relevant

Tips to get ready for Study Abroad


Pick a Place that is Relevant

Study Abroad programs are not about going and having a permanent party, they are about learning a new culture and experiencing new things. For this reason, you want to make sure that the area you are going to is relevant to your studies. This is very important, the more relevant that it is, the more you will get out of the experience. If you do not know where you should go to study, ask a guidance counselor to help you pick out a few great destinations that will be good for you.


When you arrive treat your jet lag if you have any Then go ahead and explore the town
Choose carefully Make sure the program is a good match for your son or daughter s academic and personal goals
Get the insider info
Be Open to New Things
If you don
Find student accommodation
Be determined and persistent
Take a little bit of cash to last you until you can go into an ATM
Determine the best way to communicate and do this well in advance of the trip
Get the paperwork
Learning the Ropes of Global Exchange
Set up a bank account
More ...

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