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Determine the best way to communicate and do this well in advance of the trip

Tips to get ready for Study Abroad


Determine the best way to communicate and do this well in advance of the trip

Students who have access to computers and free or low-fee or program-affiliated WiFi networks may want to arrange calls home at predesignated times via Skype, Google Voice, MSN Messenger, or others. Smart phones can also help you to communicate, but international plans can be costly. The best way to keep costs down is to arrange for an international plan that places limits on voice and text messaging. And, its important for the student to turn off the data plan when travelling overseas or you'll be hit hard with the bill. Do your research and find out how other families organized their communications strategies when their kids travelled abroad. Whatever you do, plan ahead and evaluate your options. Do not go overboard and select mid-range plans that will allow for some contact but won't break the bank. Make your decisions and get your plans in place well in advance of departure.


Find student accommodation
Figure out the money
Be safe o not do something you would not do if you were home
Make new friends and be sociable
If you don
Bring something small from home
Get familiar with your routes
Pack thinking about mix and matching
Get the paperwork
Understand how your travel insurance works
Buy a travel book for your new country/town or about the continent
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