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Switch to CFLs

Save Electricity


Switch to CFLs

Replacing incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs) is one of the quickest, easiest ways to save money and a place everyone can start. CFLs use about 75 percent less energy and last up to 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs. This can save you up to $35 in electric costs over the lifetime of each bulb. Switching to CFLs in the five most frequently used fixtures in your house will save about $60 per year, according to Energy Star.Choose CFLs with the Energy Star label to get the greatest savings. Energy Star products have to meet energy efficiency guidelines set by the EPA and the Department of Energy. When you shop, keep in mind that light fixtures with dimmers require special CFLs; read the label.When your CFLs are finally spent, recycle them (to find locations, check with your trash hauler or local government).


Save on electric water heating
Kill energy vampires
Monitor your fuel economy
Use ceiling fans
Make saving automatic
Replace standard bulbs with CFLs
Service your air conditioner
Install smarter switches
Unplug battery chargers
Reduce excessive heating or cooling
Water heater timer
Insulate the ceiling roof
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