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Ketoconazole Shampoo Clinical Pharmacology

Precautions while using Shampoo


Ketoconazole Shampoo Clinical Pharmacology

Tinea (pityriasis) versicolor is a non contagious infection of the skin caused by Pityrosporumorbiculare (Malassezia furfur). This commensal organism is part of the normal skin flora. In susceptible individuals the condition is often recurrent and may give rise to hyperpigmented or hypopigmented patches on the trunk which may extend to the neck, arms and upper thighs. Treatment of the infection may not immediately result in restoration of pigment to the affected sites. Normalization of pigment following successful therapy is variable and may take months, depending on individual skin type and incidental skin exposure. The rate of recurrence of infection is variable.


Adverse Reactions
Dont rub dry shampoo into your scalp
Blondes need to use clarifying shampoo more often
Colored hair
Raw Materials
Nursing Mothers
Frequency of Shampooing
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