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Precautions while using Securing Email



False messages may be inserted into mail system of another user. It can be accomplished from within a LAN, or from an external environment using Trojan horses. Passwords are there to protect your account; without passwords we would be lost. Make sure your password is complicated; do not use your name, or last name. For example, do not put in John because the first thing that hackers will do is to guess your password based on your name. Don t use a phrase or use a pet name that most people know about. For example, do not put in MyPetMaddy or ShowUsYouFeelGood . Try to use a complicated code like mkael092 or use a code like this 09484M92 , so it is impossible to guess. Choose a password you have not previously used on your account before.


Limit usage of social networking sites
Click your cursor in the Body field of the message
Wait while Gmail activates Priority Inbox
Train your Priority Inbox
Visit the website of the email provider of your choice
Secret questions that beg to be hacked
Change back to the ways things used to be
Build a regular
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Replay of previous messages
Denial of Service
The protection of email
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