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Direct Transmission From Teacher to Student

Kriya Yoga


Direct Transmission From Teacher to Student

Kriya Yoga is a golden opportunity to reach higher states of consciousness and change your life, by developing the body, mind, intellect, and awareness of the soul. It is a quick and easy path. Kriya Yoga techniques are passed down from master to disciple, master to aspirant, teacher to student.

No written document records when the ancient tradition of Kriya Yoga began. This spiritual technique has been practiced by saints, seers, and sages from time immemorial. The rishis (seers) of the Upanishads, Shri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, Maharshi Patanjali in his Yoga Sutra, and many other masters of yoga practiced and taught this scientific method through the ages. Kriya Yoga is a powerful tool to be used by seekers of all religions in order to hasten spiritual development. Adi Shankara in the Viveka Chudamani described three things that are very rare in this world to have a human birth, to have desire for liberation, and to have the company of a great soul and realized master.


Highest Method of God Contact
A Simple NonSectarian Technique
Breath and Mind
Open Oneself to the Blessings of God
History and Tradition of Kriya Yoga
Daily Practice
Preparing the Field
Personality Development
Intellectual Development
Technique Origins
Focus Attention at the Spiritual Eye
Lineage of Kriya Yoga Gurus
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