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Gandhi Jayanti Celebration in Schools

Gandhi Jayanti


Gandhi Jayanti Celebration in Schools

Grand celebration events are organized by the major schools in India to celebrate the Gandhi Jayanti at 2nd of October every year. Students of schools enthusiastically take part in the Gandhi Jayanti event celebrations. Gandhi Jayanti, a birthday anniversary of the Mahatma Gandhi is also celebrated as the International Peace Day all across the world. Students sing a song based on the truth and non violence message of Bapu, recite poems and present their own sights on the Gandhian philosophy by the speeches and recitations.Small children celebrate this event by dressing up same as the Gandhi ji as well as performing the nationalistic songs. Students also take part in the rally using banners which conveys the significance of peace and nonviolence throughout the country. In the end of the celebration, students and teachers take a pledge.


Gandhi Jayanti A tribute to Father of the Nation
Salt march or Civil Disobedience Movement 1930
Quit India Movement Bharat Chodo Andolan or August Movement 1942
Gandhi Jayanti Significance
Why Is Gandhi Jayanti Celebrated
Gandhiji and Struggle for Indian Independence 1916 1945
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Tribute to Gandhi
Commonly Celebrated
Mahatma Gandhis Contribution to India
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