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Anemone Sylvestris



Anemone Sylvestris

Parkinson very accurately notices the striking characters of this species of Anemone, which are its creeping roots, its large white flowers standing on the tops of the flower stalks, which sometimes grow two together, but most commonly singly, the leaves on the stalk, he observes, are more finely divided than those of the root, and its seeds are woolly.
Miller describes it as having little beauty, and therefore but seldom planted in gardens, it is true, it does not recommend itself by the gaudiness of its colours, but there is in the flowers, especially before they expand, a simple elegance, somewhat like that of the Snowdrop, and which affords a pleasing contrast to the more shewy flowers of the garden.
It flowers in May, and ripens its seeds in June.
It will grow in almost any soil or situation, is propagated by offsets from the root, which it puts out most plentifully, so as indeed sometimes to be troublesome. Is a native of Germany.


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