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Summer Brow Know How

Easy Tricks To Do Professional Makeup


Summer Brow Know How

If you like to keep your makeup minimal during the dog days of summer, pay special attention to your brows. Defined arches are key to adding dimension and focus to an otherwise bare face. Heed these brow tips to keep your arches in great shape:
Go to a pro.
Treat yourself to a professional brow grooming in the beginning of summer. How can you tell if she ?s good? If her brows look great, then yours will too.
Pluck at home every day.
Maintain your professionally shaped arches by scanning for regrowth daily. Its easiest to spot strays in natural light, so do it by a window. As soon as you see a new hair peek through your skin, pluck it using tweezers that have a pointy tip.Use a light hand.
Overly shaded arches look too severe in summer. If your brows are naturally thick, keep them in shape with clear brow gel. Need more definition? Use a brow pencil and light feathery strokes to fill in bald spots only.


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