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Accept lifes challenges with grace and ease

Daily Meditation can Improve your Life


Accept lifes challenges with grace and ease

Many people reject the present moment because it's not how they want it to be. As soon as the present moment doesn?t measure up to what you think it should be, the sh*t hits the fan, and you check out of the now. You can fall into patterns of victimhood, pessimism, despair or anguish. You may resist life's natural flow and get caught up in mental fantasies of "should have," "could have" and "it?s not fair."
The greatest gift that meditation can give is the awareness that despite the seeming chaos, despite life not going how you think it ought to, when you step back and experience the joy of just being, you come to the realization that all is perfect, right now.


Do it together
Being Aware
Gives You a Glimpse of Infinity
Letting Go of Me
Be Grateful at the end
Use a candle
time to practice
Heal your relationships
Living With Kindness
Gives Clarity of Mind
Make better choices for yourself
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