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Oral Health

Benefits of Gooseberry


Oral Health

Daily intake of amla juice wards off bad breath and strengthens teeth. Gargling with a mixture of water and amla juice can provide relief from painful mouth ulcers. The Indian gooseberry tree is a small, deciduous tree that has feathery branches. The berries are fleshy and pale green, and have 6 dimly marked lobes. The flowers appear in dense clusters under the leaves, and hence the fruits grow in the same manner. The tree is indigenous to India.


Treats Acne and Pimples
Reduces Constipation
Improve skin health
Brain health
European Types
Beauty Applications and Tips with Amla
Helps in Preventing Premature Graying
Gooseberries are a significant source of fiber
Prevents Dandruff
Skin Toner and Tightener
Historical Uses
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