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Harvest and postharvest

Benefits of Avocado


Harvest and postharvest

The avocado is a climacteric fruit (the banana is another), which means it matures on the tree, but ripens off the tree. Avocados used in commerce are picked hard and green and kept in coolers at 3.3 to 5.6?C (37.9 to 42.1?F) until they reach their final destination. Avocados must be mature to ripen properly. Avocados that fall off the tree ripen on the ground. Generally, the fruit is picked once it reaches maturity; Mexican growers pick Hass variety avocados when they have more than 23% dry matter, and other producing countries have similar standards.


Duodenal ulcer
Sugar and Dietary fiber
Kidney stones
Increased resistance against free radicals
Soluble Fiber
Avoiding Browning in Avocados
Nourishes skin
vocado Leaf Tea
Baby food
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