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Getting Organized

Most Popular New Years Resolutions


Getting Organized

With the crazy busy world we live in, keeping our lives intact and in order is a feat as monumental as that of the gods. The house. Work. The car. Were so busy doing that its challenging to keep all of this doing in line. While all of the resolutions on this list are great, getting organized is one of the hardest. Organization is one of the first things to vanish when one is too busy. We may not even realize how disorganized we are until the New Year arrives. Luckily, a new year means organization is back at the top of our lists once again. Its the perfect time to clean the house, organize your books and Blu Rays, and enjoy the happiness an organized life can bring.


Try an extreme sport
Get rid of old clothes
Get organized
Run a half or full marathon
Stay Fit and Healthy
Get a new job
Spend less time watching TV
Manage stress better
Go back to school
Spend less time on Facebook
Stop procrastinating
More ...

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