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White Water Rafting

Most Dangerous Sports


White Water Rafting

White water rafting is a perilous outdoor activity in which an inflatable raft is used as a vehicle to navigate white water or other water bodies of rough water. The environment is varied, and brings new challenges to the participants. The wild waters pose the threats of tossing the participants, smashing them into rocks. The foot entrapment can entangle a participant if he falls off, making it difficult for him to dislodge himself easily. Common injuries include broken bones or twisted knees. It is hard to rank sports on the basis of danger, especially since no sport committee wishes to highlight on the perils of the sport, even though agencies like Forbes often make such lists based on casualties and possible dangers. However, a large number of people are drawn to these dangerous sports, just for the adrenaline rush and the kick they get from it. These sports are not for the faint hearted. If someone loves to live on the edge, these are the sports are just meant for them.


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