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Relaxes nerves and muscle

Benefits of Guava


Relaxes nerves and muscle

Magnesium is one of the essential mineral which can be obtained only from food products. Eating guavas might help relax the nerves along with muscles as its good source of magnesium content. Guavas are beneficial in regulating blood pressure. It is said that one guava contains almost a similar amount of potassium thats present in bananas. Potassium reverses the effects of sodium, thereby regulating the balance of blood pressure. Also, it reduces cholesterol levels in the blood by preventing it from thickening.


Treatment of Skin Problems
Relaxes nerves and muscle
Improves your immunity
Medicinal benefits of guavas
Vitamin C
Helps you relax
Preparation and serving methods
Guava treats hypertension
Guava for acidity treatment
Colon Cancer
Has anti ageing properties for your skin
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