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Helps treat constipation

Benefits of Guava


Helps treat constipation

Constipation is caused when food is stuck in our colon. Guava, is rich in fibre which helps in clearing the blocked pathway and thus curing your constipation. Its an excellent mouth freshener and can readily replace any toothpaste or other cosmetic tooth remedy .how to: Its just simple to use, a fresh tender guava leave can be chewed to paste and then rubbed on the gums with fingers, its a very common morning mouth freshener in India and its so effective that any one practicing it once is bound to love it, its a potent germs killer and people practicing it regularly do not need to see their dentist, so it can be said


Lowers risk of cancer
Thyroid Health
Helps treat constipation
Antitumor property
Improve Digestion
Skin care
Constipation home remedy through Guava
Helps your body use key vitamins
Natural Skin Toner
Anti ageing Properties
Relaxes nerves and muscle
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