Having bad posture
Worst Body Language Mistakes Job Seekers Make
Having bad posture
Reiman previously told Business Insider you should always be aware of your posture People dont realize that the job interview begins in the waiting room, but it does So dont slouch in the chair in the reception area, she advised In order to be perceived as confident, you must sit or stand tall, with your neck elongated, ears and shoulders aligned, and chest slightly protruding This position changes the chemicals in our brain to make us feel stronger and more confident, and it gives the outward appearance of credibility, strength, and vitality, she explained
Failing to smile
Playing with something on the table
Using too many hand gestures
Having bad posture
Fidgeting too much in their seats
Crossing their arms over their chests
Failing to make eye contact
Having a weak handshake
Having a handshake that was too strong
Playing with their hair or touching their faces
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