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patience is a virtue org

Weirdest Websites That Rock The Web


patience is a virtue org

If youre not the patient type then we would advise you to never visit this site because it will do to you exactly what it was designed for piss you off to the point where you want to throw your laptop out the window of your fifthfloor apartment. For that matter, even if youre the patient type but have a slow connection your nerves and tranquility will be seriously challenged as you will wait for almost a century and a day until this page fully loads.


StaggeringBeauty com
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MichaelJFoxNews com
FeartheGayChicken org
thebeatlesneverbrokeup com
nooooooooooooooo com
SimonPanrucker com
GeoTastic org/Rude
WWWDotCom com
nohomophobes com
Somethingstore com
heyyeyaaeyaaaeyaeyaa com
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