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Somethingstore com

Weirdest Websites That Rock The Web


Somethingstore com

This one is actually pretty awesome, but since my 50 Awesome Websites list isnt done yet, I decided to include this here. The system is pretty simple you pay $10 for a random, unidentified product. You find out only when it arrives. A good website for people who feel they missed out on childhood Christmas loot. The concept and the stuff that you could receive are so bizarre that TVs Daniel Tosh actually tried it out for his Comedy Central Network show, Tosh.O. Purchase at your own risk, but some of the stuff is some fine swag.


PointerPointer com
anomaliesunlimited com
HelenKellerSim com
MichaelJFoxNews com
flightradar24 com
DrunkRonSwanson com
YouFellAsleepWatchingaDVD com
FeedtheHead net
isitchristmas com
ilooklikebarackobama com
PixyLand org PeterPan
WhitePowerMilk com
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