The Prettiest
Weird Insects
The Prettiest
The Orchid mantis (Hymenopus coronatus) is a variety of flower mantis usually found in Malaysia and Indonesia. Doesnt the mantis pictured look just like an orchid? They hide in the flowers they resemble, waiting for other delicious insects to alight. See a beautiful picture of a pink flower mantis here.
Dasychira Pudibunda Caterpillar
Brazilian Treehopper
Extatosoma Tiaratum
Pipevine Swallowtail Caterpillar
Scorpion Flies
Spiny Flower Mantis Pseudocreobotra wahlbergi
The Longest Insect
Hummingbird Moth
Snake Caterpillar
Fig Wasps
The Darth Vader Ant
Hissing Cockroaches
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