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Easy Christmas biscuit tree stack

Ways to Make This the Best Christmas Season


Easy Christmas biscuit tree stack

This easy Christmas biscuit tree stack is simple, effective and will make you look like you ve had Elf help this year. Simply make or buy a biscuit dough, cut out 10 14 stars (the stars need to go from large to small in size) and bake until cooked. Once cooled ice each biscuit with white icing. Once the icing is set stack the cookies the largest star should sit at the bottom and the smallest star should sit at the top. Your holiday guests will love this stack.


Buy gifts mindfully
Bring nature inside
Set a budget
Write a letter to Santa
Get involved
Spend time in nature
Go caroling
Christmas movie night
Light candles
Send a letter or gift to a soldier
Take a drive or a walk
No last minute shopping
More ...

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