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Forgo the favors

Ways To Save Money On Your Dream Wedding


Forgo the favors

Most people cannot resist the tradition of distributing favors at their wedding. You can have your dream wedding without such lavish bits of expense. Wedding favors unlike the simple pieces of yesterday are expensive items costing a good deal of money. The picture shows an interesting display of all the items used in wedding which can be taken by guests as mementoes of the event. This is a unique concept which can result in a lot of money being saved. Small ribbons and decorative pieces from the interior dcor and seating arrangements, cake decorations, table top centerpieces and vases from guest tables all can be used in a similar manner.


Do your own design work
Know what to buy and what to rent
Know whats seasonal and local
Take your wedding video with your phone
Always negotiate
Choose one kind of flower
Get a friend or family member to perform the ceremony
Pile on the miles
Pick your priorities and splurge on them
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